I have taken on a new adventure in my ongoing learning this year which has seen me beginning my studies in Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan.
Kundalini yoga has been in my life for maybe 8-10yrs or so, when my husband first bought me the prenatal yoga book ‘Beautiful, Bountiful, Blissful’ which I could not put down! Not long after that time I had the pleasure of meeting with Guru Devi, my first ‘live’ kundalini yoga teacher who came along to our studio and taught a class once a week , and several workshops for some time. During this time my love for Kundalini expanded. But it has taken me all this time to get myself along to doing the training.
So early this year I went along to my first week of training and was completely immersed in it. Since then I have done another week long training and have one more coming up later in the year…..but what has it taught me?
Well it has had me look at yoga in a whole new light, which has been exciting and liberating. I have found a new dedication to my own personal practice and incorporating much more mantra and meditation, which I am loving! I feel like maybe I finally really understand what yoga is all about, which feels strange to say, and must seem strange to hear, after all, yoga has been my life for the last 10yrs atleast in running the studio.
I now totally get that yoga is not about the physical practice. Even though I have said that for some time, I really feel it and get it now!
I am finally finding how it all fits together and how my studies in Ayurvedic medicine fit with yoga and the whole lifestyle. Not just a practice you do, but a lifestyle!
I am excited to see where this takes me over the next few years of my life and how I am able to bring this knowledge and understanding to other people. I cant wait to begin to share this!
I also now have a spiritual name, which I am beginning to own – ‘Sita Ram’.
‘Sita’ means universal mother, ‘Ram’ means universal consciousness……interesting!
Sat Nam