Yoga & Health Programs available Online

Hi!        My name is Kathy Grace!

I would love you to join me in one of my programs!

My love and passion is for working with women, at all stages.

I have been part of the natural health industry for more than 30yrs and for more than 10yrs I have focused on working with women trying to conceive, pregnant and/or postnatal. I am constantly fascinated and in awe of the womens body and what it does during pregnancy. I have worked with 1000s of women during pregnancy and each women has taught me something about their individual journey!

For more details on the programs below, check the individual pages!

Prenatal yoga classes

> Prenatal Yoga Classes

Pregnancy is such an amazing time!

You may not always feel great, but your body is growing and developing another human being without you really needing to do anything.

Their are many things you can do that will help to build strength in your body and your mind. To ensure that the baby you are developing, is the healthiest little being possible. To prepare you for labour and beyond. 

I hope the Yoga Course below gives you some tools to support you and your baby along this path!

Lifetime access to this Course, which gives you 3 Classes that you can do anytime you feel like, approximately 40 minutes each. 

  • One for when you feel tired and need your energy restored
  • Two general classes focusing on your whole body, including your lower back and hips
  • A bonus 10 minute video with some ideas for preparing your body for birth and movements you can use for getting your baby into the right position for birth.

All for only $37!!

breathing practices - free

> Breathing Practices

Breathing is an essential practice for everyone. It is a particularly useful during pregnancy. 

I hope you enjoy these practices

Practice 1 - Whole Body Breathing

Practice 2 - Nadi Sodhana (alternate nostril breathing)

Practice 3 - Brahmari (buzzing bee)


birth preparation course

> Birth Preparation Course - Available Now

I have taught this course for over 10 years now in person with groups of 3 or 4 couples. Each time I teach it I learn something new or find a new way of doing things. After all these years, and in the current environment, I thought it best to pur this online and make it available to more couples.

I combine my knowledge and experience as a Doula, Yoga Teacher and Naturopath, having worked with hundreds of women over the years!   I am constantly inspired by pregnancy and birth and what our bodies can do!

In this Course you will learn -

  • Ideas on how to best prepare for the end stage of pregnancy, labour and the birth of your new baby.
  • Ideas on appropriate movement, breath for the later stages of pregnancy and birth. 
  • Natural therapies to help your body naturally move into labour and progress with ease.
  • Suggestions for how your partner can best support you during labour and the birth of your baby. 

graceful mumma's program- coming soon

> Graceful Mumma's Program - Register for the Next Program

In 40 days this online program will help you find balance in your busy life, help you look forward to healthy food for you and your family, and find 'you' again in the middle of the craziness of being a mum! 

The Online Program will include

  • Daily Yoga practice (not too long, enough you can manage)
  • Daily activities to help nurture and support you
  • Group Support Network with other Mummas!
  • Ongoing motivation and support!
  • Food guidelines and plans that are easy to do and manage

This program is ideal for Mums of all stages from brand new mums, to mums who have been doing it for some time! It would also be an ideal program for those that are planning or trying to be a mum and currently working with your fertility!

The one requirement is that you are a woman and feeling a bit tired with life!  

Want to know more?


post natal yoga classes - coming soon

> Post Natal Yoga Classes

Classes to support you and your baby, do them at your own pace, do them for just a few minutes if you like or when you can! 

You can include your baby in most of these practices, or do them alone.

3 different classes and 1 Bonus video on other things to think about at this time to increase your energy and help you be present with your new baby!  

Coming Soon!


fertility yoga classes - coming soon

> Fertility Yoga Classes

Coming Soon.....

health reset (detox) program

online appointments

Join us Now!

We cant wait to work with you!