Finally its here!
I have been talking about this, and preparing for it for a number of years now (I am a bit embarassed to say)!
I started the filming and preparation for this course about 3 years ago, but then I got stopped. It got a bit hard and I got challenged. Then life got in the way and the course got shelved.
Well finally I have taken it off the shelf and completed it!
I feel yoga during pregnancy is such a precious gift to give to yourself. It is something that supports you emotionally, physically and mentally and its a bit of time out - for you and your baby!
I teach many different types of yoga and classes, but prenatal has always been one of my favourites. My students over the years have taught me so much about the human body and helped me learn lots of alternatives and suggestions depending on your individual situation.
Normally in a prenatal yoga class, we work on building strength in specific areas of your body - your legs, your back, your pelvic floor and your arms. We spend time relaxing, connecting with your little bundle inside. We learn some breathing practices and do some preparation for labour. Its a very specific class, not necessarily a hard class, but a class that focuses on the areas that need focus.
I would love you to join me, and I would love to hear any feedback you have about the classes.
Please also jump on my Facebook page and share your thoughts or questions there! Once you have joined the class, we also have a private page just for Prenatal Yoga
Kathy xx